Podcast – Weekly Roundup: Context Collage (file under ‘Porn’)

Direct Link: MP3 Version

iTunes on a plane, and Apple providing porn. Hey, nothing’s impossible. This week’s Context Machine, featuring TMO morning editor Jeff Gamet, churns through Apple and the airlines, Apple and explicit content, Apple and French politics.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • Digital Music Sales on the Rise in the UK
  • Airlines and Apple Discuss iTunes Deal
  • Bloomberg Columnist Advocates Apple Sell iPorn
  • Creative Embarks on UK Price War Against iPod
  • Croatia Turns Into One of Apple’s Best Territories
  • Intel iBook Order Goes to Asustek
  • TMO Reports – Analyst- Apple Set to Record Second-Best Quarter in its History
  • Worldwide Hard Drive Sales Jump on iPod, Laptop Boom
  • Merrill Lynch- Boot Camp Over Hyped
  • Mac Gaming News – IGN Readers Laugh at the Notion of PC Games on Macs
  • France- Apple Should Have Expected DRM Law
  • Boot Camp Used to Load Windows Vista on MacBook Pro

    The Product Roundup

  • AudioCast, iCast Wirelessly Link iPod to Stereo
  • EQO Mobile Lets Mac Users Use Skype VoIP on Cell Phones
  • TVMicro Brings Small Size to TV Watching on a Mac
  • Review – TinPod
  • Review – Wink Case
  • Review – Harman/Kardon’s Drive+Play

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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