Apple Wireless Charging and Mixing Hollywood into Apple Music – TMO Daily Observations 2017-04-27
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Show Notes
- 00:00:00 TMO's Daily Observations for Thursday, April 27th
- 00:00:53 - Apple Wireless Charging Patent
- 00:12:28 SPONSOR: Elgato Eve
- 00:14:30 Apple, Jimmy Iovine, Apple Music, and Hollywood
- 00:21:21 TDO Outtro - Thanks for listening!
- TMO Daily Observations Twitter feed
It may be pie in the sky dreams but I have a possible answer for why Apple could both disband it’s Airport WiFi team (mostly into the iOS area) and still be working on a WiFi Wireless charging system. Ask yourself this. What is the one product Apple sells that still uses a non Apple OS?
Spoiler: Airport base stations.
Now ask, what team currently has an OS that supports all of the fancy new mesh networking, Homekit/bluetooth/Siri etc…….
Spoiler: iOS
So, maybe the “AirPort” team was moved to iOS to create and new series of routers?
One can dream!