The ISP Coup, an Apple VPN, and Samsung's Bixby Gambit - ACM 404

ISPs performed a coup against consumers, and they did so in collusion with one of America’s major political parties. Bryan and Jeff are two tense geeks about it. Their solution would be for Apple to launch a VPN integrated into Apple’s products. And then there’s Samsung’s Galaxy S8 and that company’s delusions of software relevance. Oh, and Bixby, which could eventually succeed in making Samsung relevant.

Apple's New APFS File System, Developers Respond to App Store Reviews - TMO Daily Observations 2017-03-28

Say hello to APFS, Apple’s new file system for macOS and iOS that rolled out as part of yesterday’s operating system updates. Dave Hamilton and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to explain what APFS is and how it impacts users, along with why we don’t need to be afraid of the change. They also offer up their thoughts on Apple finally letting developers respond to App Store reviews.

TMO Background Mode Interview with Microsoft Chief Creative Architect Ben Rudolph

Ben Rudolph is a Microsoft Chief Creative Architect. That means he’s responsible for consumer, retail marketing. In Ben’s words, “his team … builds the experience that turns shoppers … into fans of Microsoft. That involves everything about how the Microsoft brand shows up to consumers in the retail environment.” That may not have been of interest to Apple fans just a few years ago, but the arrival of CEO Satya Nadella has changed all that. Ben and I chatted about his early career interest in being a physician and the path that led him, instead to Microsoft. Then we got into the Microsoft’s Surface Studio that sent shock waves through the Apple community last year. We also discussed the refreshing new corporate mission of Microsoft under Mr. Nadella. This interview will take Apple fans where they’ve never gone before.

UK Anti-encryption Push, Woz at Startup World Cup - TMO Daily Observations 2017-03-27

There’s a new government call to for tech companies to let law enforcement bypass our security and encryption, but this time it’s from the United Kingdom. Bryan Chaffin and Jeff Butts join Jeff Gamet to look at the ramifications if the U.K. forces the issue, plus Bryan fills us in on Steve Wozniak’s presentation at Startup World Cup.

Are You Secure with Your Security? – Mac Geek Gab 650

Security is on the brain this week! Learn how to secure your iCloud account and also learn how to secure your entire home network from your ISP’s prying eyes! Dave and John also help you determine what devices and processes are using your network, and what the difference is between WPA2 Personal and Enterprise. All of this and more in this week’s Mac Geek Gab. Press play and enjoy!

Apple Loves Outdated Tech and Gives up on Social Media, Plus Electrified LEGO - ACM 403

Apple appears to be increasingly comfy offering yesterday’s technology at today’s prices, and Bryan and Jeff are all cranky about it. They also talk about Brixo, chrome-plated and electrified LEGO bricks, and Apple’s new Clips app and what it means for social media. Oh, and Jeff had to edit out an F-bomb because Bryan got all ranty.

Apple's New iPad, Extortionists Threaten iCloud - TMO Daily Observations 2017-03-22

Apple introduced a new iPad and updated the iPhone SE yesterday, and today is dealing with hackers threatening to trash millions of iCloud accounts. Dave Hamilton joins Jeff Gamet to look at Apple’s latest gear and lament the slow demise of the iPad mini, and to talk about how trying to extort money out of the company is a pretty bad idea.

TMO Background Mode Interview with Astronomer & Science Communicator Dr. Phil Plait

Dr. Phil Plait is an astronomer and a very popular science communicator. His blog, Bad Astronomy, “covers the entire universe, from subatomic particles to the Big Bang itself, astronomy, space exploration, and the effect of politics on science.” Like many young astronomers, Phil’s interest in astronomy ignited when he first saw Saturn and its rings through a telescope. He earned his Ph.D. working on the study of supernovae with the Hubble Space Telescope. We chatted about his career, his enduring work in amateur astronomy with his telescope, his love for science communication, why people who don’t believe in the Apollo moon landings are wrong, the study of a potentially dangerous asteroid or comet collision with Earth, how climate change is affecting us, and the recent discovery of a nearby solar system with Earth-like planets.

Web Pages as Apps, Equipment Insurance, and Photos! – Mac Geek Gab 649

Have a webpage you use all the time? Why not make that its own, separate app? Need to create Symbolic Links (symlinks) but don’t want to use the Terminal? How about if you want to get an equipment warranty for that new Synology NAS you just bought? That’s just a sampling of the things you’ll learn in the first segment of this week’s episode. There’s more, folks. Lots more! Press play and enjoy!

Android Insecurity, Messaging Anachronisms, and Legacy Apple Auctions - ACM 402

Bryan and Jeff try and wrap their heads around a world where malware is being installed on Android devices in the supply chain, before customers even get the devices. They also take a trip into the anachronistic world of sealing wax and sealing wax stamps, as well as the fascinating world where 40 year-old Apple I computers are auctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

TMO Background Mode Encore: Former Apple Senior Director Michael Gartenberg

Michael Gartenberg is currently the analyst in residence for Before that, he spent three years as Apple’s Senior Director of Product Marketing, reporting directly to Senior VP Phil Schiller. In his second appearance on Background Mode, we caught up on the latest news and things we couldn’t get to last summer. Michael told me about the nuances of being an Apple marketing manager and Apple’s different marketing groups. He explained how one just has to already know what to do as an Apple employee. Then he discussed his fondness for the iPhone SE and delved into its sales numbers and merits. Finally, we moved on Apple’s October 2016 “Hello Again” event, explored the new MacBook Pro, computer touch philosophy and the Microsoft Surface Studio impact. Michael tells a joke.