Thirteen Lucky Years of MGG – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 713

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Join John F. Braun and Dave Hamilton as they celebrate their 13th Mac Geek Gab anniversary by answering your questions, sharing Cool Stuff Found, solving problems and… you know… doing what they do for you! Press play, download, and celebrate! And also learn!

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SPONSOR: Run Windows apps with CrossOver and save 35% with Code: MGG.

SPONSOR: BBEdit from Bare Bones Software.

SPONSOR: Get Over 100 Apps for $10/month from Setapp, like Netflix for Apps. Start with a free trial!

Show Notes

Note: Shownotes are complete!

Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned:

2 thoughts on “Thirteen Lucky Years of MGG – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 713

  • Congratulations on 13 year Dave and John. I have probably have been listening to you for 12 of those years but went back and listened to the previous years episodes just because that is what I do when I find a podcast I really like. Here is to many more years of success for TMO and the many great people there. I sincerely appreciate the work you do.

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