Speaker Speculation and 5G School – TMO Daily Observations 2020-10-06
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Show Notes
- Daily Observations Archive
- Apple Stops Selling Earphones and Speakers From Rivals Ahead of Expected New Product Launches
- Apple Announces Date of iPhone 12 Event - Hi, Speed
- SPONSOR: Mint Mobile
- Everything iPhone Users Need to Know About 5G Wireless
- iPhone 12 Surprise: Not All 5G Created Equal
- 5G Wireless Actually Has 3 Bands - How That Impacts the Next iPhone
- TMO Daily Observations Twitter feed
Hello guys:
Was able to listen to your show during lunch today.
Two things, no three:
First, Kelly, you should talk to Apple about a consultant’s fee for coming up with the HomePod Air moniker (unless they sue you first; it’s kind of like an arachnid thing, you either get accepted or you get eaten – sometimes, it’s both).
Second, and speaking of cannibalism, the at-hand functionality of the Apple Watch (see what I did there?) has deprecated the iPhone on my ‘must upgrade’ list, particularly with my new Series 6. Last year, I upgraded the whole family’s iPhones, with the exception of my own, because the core technology of their older versions had changed (iPhone 7 and 8’s). The critical security features, as well as convenience features (eg Face ID) on my iPhone X are fundamentally the same as on the newer models, enhancements notwithstanding. This is testimony to how well and obsolescence-resistant Apple made the X. However, the recent and even rumoured upgrades on the 12 Pro are not so substantial as to make a unambiguous leap in the user experience, insofar as I can tell (unless you’re keen on photography; my photos still look great). Obviously, we need to see what Apple proffer next week before saying otherwise, but given my current use patterns for the iPhone, I might even sit this upgrade out. The 5G feature, here in the US, is essentially a non-starter as an upgrade feature if one cannot freely enjoy it at the high end as one moves about.
Third, the HomePod is awesome, particularly in stereo. I’ve actually gone back and rewatched movies in our bedroom on my iPad simply to compare with our home theatre system. If and when Apple rollout version 2 of the HomePod Max/Pro (whatever) , I’ll likely retire these to other parts of the house for a better distributed voice control experience. In the meantime, having a HomePod Mini on the desk, and in one or two choice locations, would be outstanding. This will definitely be must have purchase for yours truly.
BTW: I didn’t hear John’s opening comment clearly. At some point, one of you should translate.