A Breaking Fever: Apple, Lies and Videotape

It must be frustrating for Apple. Here’s a company that’s supremely good at dealing with the psychology of the customer, but it’s up against a brick wall when it comes to competing with cable and satellite. To be sure, it’s clear now that customers will drop their cable or satellite subscription at the drop of…

Particle Debris (wk. ending 2/4) The Wonders of Apple

The insane demand for the iPhone 4 at Verizon suggests not only demand for a great product but some disaffection with AT&T. Personally, while I think there will be an initial burst of movement away from AT&T combined with Verizon customers abandoning their Android phones in favor of the iPhone, it’ll all settle out in…

Why the iTablet is Critical to Apple's Future

CEOs get paid to anticipate changes in the industry. Rupert Murdoch thinks he knows how to stem the financial losses of his publications. Whether he’s right or wrong, he’s trying to anticipate the future and avoid cruel fate. It’s also the responsibility of CEO Steve Jobs to think about what his company will look like…

Podcast - Apple Weekly Report #128: Lawsuits, Diablo & iPhones

Direct Link: MP3 Version Listen Now: Blizzard announced Diablo III, Apple kind of updated Leopard again, Apple’s lawsuit express pulled into the station, and the Mac is showing up in eight out of 10 businesses surveyed. Apple’s ads are good enough to watch even on TiVo, an iPhone deal for China is getting closer, and…

Is there really a problem with bandwidth hogs?

Mobi le phone plans give you more monthly minutes than you will ever use, at a very reasonable cost. For a bit more, you can get practically unlimited text messaging as well. Many land-line phone plans come with unlimited calling within the United States. With each month, Web-based storage sites are offering more gigabytes of…

Just a Thought - Mapple?

It has been common knowledge for sometime now that, while Redmond based Microsoft owns and/or controls much of the worldwide PC market, the industry looks to Apple for clues as to what’s next in the hardware and software world. From servers that serve powerfully yet quietly and with no fuss, to integrated applications and hardware…

TMO Reports - Apple Starts Bundling Music Videos on iTMS (UPDATE)

Apple Computer has begun bundling downloadable music videos on its online music service, slowly entering a new direction that could easily expand into all types of video services. With the debut of its iTunes version 4.8 software, announced Monday, Apple quietly began selling music videos via its iTunes Music Store (iTMS) late Monday, together with…

Jupiter's David Card: 'Apple is in Great Shape' in MP3 Player Market

During the audio interview, Mr. Card noted that “Apple is in great shape [in the MP3 player market]. Theyive built two or three great products and continue to innovate. Theyive also been aggressive on pricing and have really nailed the sweet spot of the market.” Mr. OiDay compared the iPod phenomenon with the success Sony…

Jim Lehrer News Hour Examines Apple

The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, the flagship news program for PBS, has broadcast a story examining Apple. The show, which was first aired Friday, December 10th, looks at all the usual suspects for Apple’s current prospects, including the company’s success with the iTunes Music Store and iPod, as well as Apple’s market share in…

John Sculley On Apple Today, & HyperCard Regrets

C|Net has published an interesting interview with former Apple CEO John Sculley. Mr. Sculley left Apple in the early 1990s after overseeing some of Apple’s headiest expansion, and is somewhat credited with both the failures ad triumphs of the Newton, as well as a variety of other things beyond the scope of this article. The…

Apple Death Knell Counter

The Apple Death Knell Counter (ADKC) is a collection of death pronouncements for Apple throughout the years. Issued by journalists, analysts, pundits, business executives, and the like, there have been innumerable "Apple is dead," "Apple will soon be dead," and "Apple is dead if they don’t do this or that" statements issued by all sorts…

Big Blue Lifts Market, Apple Drops On Earnings Report

O n Thursday the market moved higher on a better than expected earnings reports from IBM. Big Blue helped propel the blue chip index almost 3 percent higher on the day. The grand daddy of tech companies had seen its shares plummet more than 50 percent this year and the companyis positive earnings report and…

Politics Upset The Markets, Apple Closes Lower

Volume was light on both the Dow and the Nasdaq as the selling sent the Nasdaq off by 3% and the Dow by 1.35%. Goldman Sachs initiated coverage of the PC hardware sector today. The firm offered Dell a fat "Recommended" rating, while Apple, Gateway, and Compaq all got "Market Outperform" ratings. Our old friend…

Techs Lead Market Rally, Apple Posts Gain

iPeople are looking ahead for when earnings are going to turn, because it appears the Fed is insistent on getting the economy moving," said John Davidson, chief investment officer at Circle Trust Co., which has $8 billion under management. "People believe this is eventually going to work." All of the stocks we track in he…

Techs Give Back Gains, Apple Dips Below 21

The Dow, on the other hand, posted its 5th straight day in the black, and, counting todayis 100+ point gain, sits just 600 points or so off of its all-time high. The Blue Chips are the recipients of some of the money fleeing tech. Volume was moderate for both major indexes, though again, most of…

The Dow Shrinks but the Nasdaq and Apple Continue Higher

Apple continued to rally 5/16 to close at 59 1/2 on high volume of 5 million shares for the eighth day in a row. Yesterday, an ON24 audio report said Salomon Smith Barney analyst Richard Gardner, after meeting with Appleis management, reiterated his buy rating on Apple, with a price target of $70 per share.…

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