An iPhone Veteran Evaluates a Samsung Galaxy Note II

Introduction If there's one thing that I have learned from the evaluation of different Android devices, like the Kindle Fire HD and the Google Nexus, it's that the Android 4.x OS is a technical, pleasantly geeky, often beautiful OS that will appeal to many different people. On the 5.5-inch display of the Samsung Galaxy Note…

Studios Need To Replace BitTorrent, Not Punish Its Users

Recently we learned the details of how the “Six Strikes” punishments will work. For those who don't already know, the production studios made a deal with your ISP to notify — and then punish — you if you're caught using BitTorrent to (illegally) share movies online. Your ISP doesn't really care about this, but they…

3 Free Must-Have E-Mags for iOS

E-Magazines have certainly come a long way since first appearing on the original iPad. The sparse or rehashed content, user interface problems and bugaboos, and the sheer variety of newly created formats made them as gangly, unsteady, and energetic as a day-old colt.  But colts learn to trot, then gallop with speed and grace as…

Announcing Cirque du Mac X

Yes, folks, while CES happens this week we're also deep into planning for everything we'll be doing at Macworld/iWorld 2013, and that includes … Cirque du Mac X (that's the 10th incarnation of Cirque du Mac and we're happily using the roman numeral to illustrate that… we trust you understand why!). Cirque du Mac will…

How to Locate & Manage Your "Stuff" in OS X

Over the years, I've taught the wonders of Mac computing to many new as well as to more 'seasoned' Mac users. One subject that came up regularly – and still does – was how to manage files. Near the top of Apple's list of goals is that of  providing the best in personal computer user…

Ditch Your Mac. Live With Just an iPad

As the iPad has evolved and grown more capable, it becomes possible to think about ditching your Mac (or PC) and living solely with an iPad. Here are some of the considerations, techniques and apps to help you decide if that's something you can do … now or very soon. Key Considerations The first thing…

Drobo 5D Review: Fast & Expandable Thunderbolt Storage

Drobo, founded in 2005 as Data Robotics, had one primary goal: make redundant external storage simple for average consumers. The company took its first steps to meet this goal in 2007 when it launched the first-generation Drobo, a four-drive device that could protect the data stored within from a single drive failure. There were admittedly…

$AAPL Slides 2.2% on Euro Concerns & Foxconn Strike

Shares in Apple Inc. slid more than 2 percent on Monday, pushed down by broader economic concerns in Europe and worries over the effects of a Foxconn strike in China. AAPL ended the Monday session down, at US$638.17 per share, a loss of $14.42 (-2.21 percent), on strong volume of 22.7 million shares trading hands.…

The Curious Evolution of the iPod nano’s Design

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard Shaw The iPod nano, now in its 7th generation, has traveled a convoluted journey through time. While first conceived as a smaller, more convenient iPod for youngsters and for exercise, its various incarnations have transmogrified according to shifting technical winds, never quite settling…

What Google’s New Tablet Tells Us, on The Surface

_________________________ When Apple introduced the iPad in 2010, it was clearly the byproduct of an inspiration that there have come to be two distinct activities associated with personal computing equipment. There is what we call the consumption activities (browsing, shopping, music, movies and games, for example) and the creation part (writing, graphics, web design, coding,…

iOS-ification is Coming. Why It’ll be Good For Us

__________________ Once upon a time, companies built computers because there was money to be made by putting computational power into the hands of skilled individuals. In the Apple II days, people who bought them likely were already working with computers at work, and they revelled in the idea of having some computational fun at home.…

An Inconvenient Truth About E-books

I’ve been thinking about this in bits and pieces, but haven’t put it all together. Here’s my central thesis: Paper books, in some form, have been with us for thousands of years, albeit hand copied. With the advent of the Gutenberg press in the 15th century, we transitioned to type based printing presses. It’s only…

TMO Workspaces: Ted Landau

If you’d like your workspace featured on TMO Workspaces, just send high-quality pictures and descriptions of your equipment to [email protected] with the subject line “TMO Workspaces”. This week, we’ll be taking a look at Mac Observer and Macworld senior contributor Ted Landau. Ted has a handsome custom-designed desk by Techline, as well as matching storage…

Google Glass vs. the Vision of Steve Jobs

There’s been a lot of excitement about the Google Glass Project in the past 24 hours. Here are some thoughts._____________ There’s a lot of what I call technology wall sticking going around. Someone gets an idea and, sure enough, the technology to build a prototype (or create a concept with CGI) is available. With YouTube…

The Road Ahead: The Death of the PC

Image Credit: AppleNow, the question is, when will all tablets (meaning mostly iPads, but also Android and eReader tablets) outsell all the PCs combined? Now, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that these trends are hard to reverse. For one, Apple is a capable company and when it starts the ball rolling, it’s hard…

Beautiful, Free, Informative: Smithsonian Channel App for iPad

Another app in this exclusive group is Discover – Wikipedia in a Magazine, from CoolIris. The app takes Wikipedia entries and turns them into e-zines. Think ‘Word of the Day’ except here you have full articles, photos, maps and so much more. It really is a good app and the more you use it, the…

Macworld | iWorld Reinvents Itself

“We are at a pivotal juncture in the Expo’s evolution. Adapting a quote spoken by Mr. Smith to Neo (Mr. Anderson) in The Matrix: “Macworld Expo is currently living two lives. In one of these lives, we seek for the Expo to reclaim its former glory, in size and scope, with a renewed focus on…

How Steve Jobs May Have Snookered the TV Industry

Mr. Jobs’s comment (Isaacson, p 830) is taking on the stature of Fermat’s Last Theorem. That is, everyone believes Mr. Jobs (and Fermat) had the solution, but no one could figure out what it was. The TV industry, without vision, research or a demonstrated understanding of first principles seems to be jumping to the conclusion…

3 Free iOS Arcade Quarter-Wasters

Old School games, on the other hand, tend to rely less on graphics and more on puzzle solving and quick reflexes. Here we might include Dig-Dug, Burger Time, Space Ace and a gazillion others. You get the idea. There are those who have an affinity for Old School games that’s not fueled by nostalgia. Great…

Steve Jobs is Gone. Will Our Dreams be Next?

How it Started There was a time, right after World War II, when technology was cobbled together with vacuum tubes, copper wire, solenoids, electric motors and a soldering iron. For a long time, the best we could do was to build rather large, brute force devices: vacuum tube computers, aircraft carriers, radars, rockets. Even so,…

Siri: Please Dispose of my Mouse and Keyboard

I think it was 2004 when I was on the Apple campus for a meeting. Dr. Kim Silverman and I had bumped into each other in the lobby of 1 Infinite Loop, and he wanted to show me the latest in voice recognition technology at Apple. I had some time, so I accompanied him to…

TMO iOS 5 Upgrade Guide

Deciding whether or not to upgrade right away is a no-brainer for some, but for others it may not be a clear cut choice. Either way, planning ahead will help cut down on surprises and headaches when you make the jump to iOS 5.iOS 5 is loaded with new features Should You Upgrade? Even if…

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