Apple Applies for a Patent on a Sealed Lightning Connector Tip

Apple had applied for a patent on a rather nifty idea: a Lightning connector with a tip that expands to form a liquid-tight seal. Patently Apple, which first spotted the patent application, has all the details, but the short version is that the male Lightning tip would be able to expand once plugged in, with the result being a liquid-tight seal. That has practical uses as protections from seals, but it could also be a key feature for underwater filming and other uses. This is an application, not yet a granted patent, but it’s the kind of invention I could see making it into the wild as a shipping product,

Patent Threatening Podcasts Invalidated (Again)

A patent that was an existential threat to podcasting was affirmed as invalid by a court in a case brought by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Key claims of the patent had already been invalidated by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and the EFF’s case was brought to hasten the appeals process. The group announced this week that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled unanimously to uphold that decision. The patent holder—Personal Audio—can still appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. This case hasn’t received a ton of headlines, but whether or not they know it, the millions of people who enjoy podcasts should rejoice.

Supreme Court Just Killed Marshall Texas Patent Troll Business

A patent battle over flavored water may turn into a win for iPhone and Mac maker Apple, and a big loss for patent trolls. Thanks to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Monday, patent infringement cases must be filed in the jurisdiction where the offending company is incorporated, which will greatly limit the court choices open to patent trolls.

RSA Sues Apple Claiming Apple Pay Patent Infringement

RSA filed a lawsuit against Apple and Visa over the weekend claiming the iPhone maker’s Apple Pay feature infringes on patents it owns. The company says it holds 13 patents covering Apple Pay technology, and hasn’t been able to get Apple or Visa to pay for licensing.