Immersion Sues Apple, AT&T Over Haptic Feedback Patents

Apple hit with patent infringement lawsuit over haptic feedback features Immersion named the Apple iPhone 6, Apple iPhone 6 Plus, Apple iPhone 6s, Apple iPhone 6s Plus, Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport, and Apple Watch Edition in its lawsuit. The company named U.S. patents 8,619,051 “Haptic Feedback System with Stored Effects,” 8,773,356 “Method and Apparatus…

VoIP-Pal Hits Apple, AT&T, Verizon with $7B Patent Lawsuit

VoIP-Pal sues Apple over iMessage, WiFi calling patent infringement According to VoIP-Pal's filing the system Apple uses to determine whether conversations in the Messages app should use iMessage or standard SMS, and the system for deciding when to use WiFi calling are covered by patents it owns. The company said Apple, AT&T, and Verizon all…

USPTO Hands Podcasters a Win, Invalidates Personal Audio's Patent

USPTO throws a wrench in Personal Audio's paten lawsuit scheme The Electronic Frontier Foundation helped spearhead the effort to invalidate the patent. EFF Staff Attorney Daniel Nazer commented, “We're glad the Patent Office recognized what we all knew: 'podcasting' had been around for many years and this company does not own it.” Personal Audio found…

Comarco Hits Apple with Patent Lawsuit over iPhone Chargers

Apple ht with patent infringement lawsuit over Lightning connector tech Comarco's 8,492,933 patent, titled Power Supply Equipment for Providing a Data Signal, Identification Information and Power to an Electronic Device, describes a system where device chargers include a cable with a smart tip that can communicate with the device its charging, much like Apple's Lightning…

Google Agrees to Settlement in Rockstar Patent Infringement Fight

Google agrees to settlement in Rockstar patent infringement case Rockstar Consortium is a patent holding group backed by Apple, Microsoft, BlackBerry, Sony and Ericsson. The group purchased Nortel's patent portfolio, and then filed an infringement lawsuit against Google over claims the search technology it uses in Android OS is covered by the patents it holds.…

Bose Sues Apple Acquisition Beats for Patent Infringement

Bose wants an injunction prohibiting import of the infringing devices, financial compensation for past infringement. The Verge reported that the suit also seeks a complete accounting of, “all infringing sales and other infringing acts by Beats.” The patents in question involve noise cancelling properties in Beats Studio and Beats Studio Wireless headphones. Bose claimed in…

Traveling Steve Jobs Patent Exhibit Moves to Denver

The traveling Steve Jobs patent exhibit makes its way to Denver, Colorado The exhibit was created by the National Inventors Hall of Fame and Museum, and is on loan from the U.S. Patent  and Trademark Office. It includes massive iPhone-shaped panels depicting 300 patents attributed to Mr. Jobs before his death. The opening of the…

SimpleAir Wins $85M in Google Android Patent Infringement Case

SimpleAir scores patent infringement win against Google's Android OS The patent that earned Google a bill for $85 million in damages, 7,035,914, covers the delivery and processing of notifications and other content. The money was awarded as part of a damages trial following a jury trial that ended in January. Google argued it shouldn't have…

ZiiLabs Hits Apple, Samsung with Graphics Chip Patent Lawsuit

ZiiLabs says Apple and Samsung are infringing on its patents ZiiLabs listed ten of the 100 graphics, processor and 3D-related patents it owns in the lawsuit, according to Patently Apple. The lawsuit states, in part, Samsung has directly infringed and continues to directly infringe one or more of the claims of the '637 Patent by…

Phil Schiller to Testify in Second Apple, Samsung Patent Trial

Samsung to call Apple VP Phil Schiller to testify at new patent trial Samsung said in a witness list filing on Thursday, Mr. Schiller will be called to testify regarding design, development, promotion, marketing, advertising, consumer demand for, and sales of the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and other Apple products, including the features accused of infringing…

US House Passes Patent Anti-Troll Bill that Probably won't Help

House bill addresses patent problems, but falls short The term “patent troll” refers to a company that collects patents to use as its primary source of income instead of using them in its own product designs. These holding companies collect patent portfolios, and then use the threat of litigation to pressure companies into paying licensing…

Boston University Hits Apple with Patent Infringement Lawsuit

Apple is facing another patent infringement lawsuit, although this time it's from Boston University instead of a company. The University is alleging that the iPhone 5, iPad, and MacBook Air use a semiconductor it received a patent for in 1997, and is asking for a ban on selling some Apple products as well as a…

Samsung EU Patent Abuse Settlement Talks Highlight Role of SEPs

South Korean electronics giant Samsung is in talks with European Union regulators to settle patent abuse charges. The EU charged that Samsung violated EU antitrust rules when it tried to win injunctions against Apple using standards-essential patents. The European Commission launched its complaint against Samsung in December of 2012. Unnamed sources told Reuters that Samsung…

USPTO Reverses Course, Confirms Apple's 'Overscroll Bounce' Patent

The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) reversed a “final” ruling from April that invalidated key claims in Apple's “overscroll bounce” patent. The USPTO informed Apple that it would be issuing a reexamination certificate for the patent that confirms four key claims, including claim 19 that a jury found Samsung infringed in 2012. In April,…

Jeff Gamet Talks NSA, Patent Trolls on The BIG Show

The Mac Observer's Managing Editor Jeff Gamet joined the British Tech Network's The BIG Show to talk about the NSA collecting cell phone records from service providers, and the White House plan to stop patent trolls. Along with host Ewen Rankin, Sarah Gray, Steve Naybour, Karl Madden, and Richard Harkness the crew also discussed how…

New Zealand Rethinks Software Patents in Unpassed Bill

New Zealand's parliament is considering a bill that rethinks software patents. The bill, while not explicitly banning software patents per se, instead declares software alone as not eligible for patent protection because there is no “inventive step” involved. In other words, since all software builds on prior software, and thus are not true inventions. This…

ITC Drops Motorola Proximity Sensor Patent Claim Against Apple

The U.S. International Trade Commission gave Motorola Mobility a tough pill to swallow on Monday when it invalidated the company's proximity sensor patent. The ruling killed the last remaining patent in Motorola's 2010 infringement lawsuit against Apple, and shot down Google's hopes of eventually winning an iPhone import ban. ITC says Motorola's proximity sensor patent…

USPTO Invalidates Key Overscroll Patent Claim

A review of Apple's so-called overscroll bounce patent has invalidated a key claim. Though the review processreaffirmed three of the patents claims (14, 17, and 18), claim 19 was at the heart of (some of) Apple's legal victory in Apple v. Samsung in which Apple won more than a billion U.S. dollars in damages. This…