Mac Geek Gab Logo 2022

Mac Geek Gab Podcast

Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to answer your questions and discuss things of interest to Apple and Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
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Skip the Dongle, Learn about Cruft! – Mac Geek Gab 726

It’s time to fully embrace the USB-C interface, folks, at least according to listener Zack. Todd helps us understand Cruft, Phil needs to know about storing IDs when traveling, Felix is curious about storing archives, and that’s just the half of it. You’ll have to listen to hear Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun talk all about this and more!

Back to School CSF, APFS on Externals, Cable Modems, and Beware iPhone Lint! – Mac Geek Gab 725

Going back to school often means needing to take things from the digital world and connect them to the analog. Need sound? Need printouts? John F. Braun and Dave Hamilton have some Cool Stuff Found for you! Then it’s on to troubleshooting external disks (including APFS), cable modem advice and what to do with an extra Mac mini. All this and more, just press play!

Cure The Beachball – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 722

The spinning beachball sucks. It sucks time away, and it sucks the life out of your computing experience. So let’s talk about at least one way to solve it. And let’s learn at least four other things along the way. Sound good? Great. Press play and you’re on the train.

APFS, Shutdown, Messages, and Notifications – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 720

Every time your two favorite geeks get together, something interesting happens: everyone learns at least five (5!) new things. This week’s topics include two very specific features of APFS (a pro and a con), noise-canceling headphones for travel, a solution to drives not appearing on your Desktop, some Cool Stuff Found, and much, much more. Press play or download and enjoy!

Scanning, OCR, Travel Phone Cases, and the Best Portable Computer – Mac Geek Gab 719

Back from their adventures, John and Dave talk through some travel-related tips, including the best iPhone case to use when on the road and the best mobile computer for you. That’s not all, though, as this week’s episode also includes segments about sharing to an older TV, resolving slow computers, and lots of great OCR solutions for both your Mac and your iPhone. Download, press play, and enjoy!

Just In Case...Sensitivity – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 715

APFS is still quite young, and both the market for it and our experience with it are evolving at a rapid pace. There’s plenty more to learn about it, and your two favorite geeks dig in a little today. But that’s not all! Some questions from the forums, some questions from the email, and more round out the show. Press play and enjoy!

Mac App Switcher, iOS Reminders, iPad Calculator, and Feedbag? – Mac Geek Gab 714

Do you like Quick Tips? Do you think you know everything about the macOS App Switcher? If you answered “yes” to those questions we think you’ll be in for a very pleasant surprise, and that’s just the kickoff of the episode! Then it’s on to a few other tips, including a great script for unmounting drives that contain iTunes libraries. Plus, your questions answered. Download or simply press play, and enjoy!

WWDC 2018, Travel Tips, and Cool Stuff Found – Mac Geek Gab 712

Dave’s in San Jose covering WWDC, and he and John talk through all of today’s announcements and what they mean to you! Then it’s on to sharing some Cool Stuff Found, including a few travel-related items that Dave found on his journeys this week. Lastly, some of your questions are answered. All of this and more when you press play and enjoy.

The “Man Looking Over Your Shoulder” Attack – Mac Geek Gab 711

Ever send mail to the wrong address accidentally? Ever want to ask your Mac its serial number? Notifications ever get in your way? All those questions are answered in the just the first segment of the show. Listen for more about syncing your Photos without iCloud Photo Library, managing your calendars, and much more! Press play and learn at least five new things along with your two favorite geeks!

The Active Evolution of APFS – Mac Geek Gab 710

You know how it goes: your computer’s working fine one day, the next it’s not. That’s what John and Dave are here for… to help! They start today’s episode with some handy tips that aren’t documented anywhere, then they move on to answering your questions and solving your problems, including the path of progress upon which APFS travels. Subscribe, press play, and enjoy!

The Charm of the Chime – Mac Geek Gab 709

You have questions, Dave and John have answers. Today’s topics include malfunctioning AirPods, setting Apple Pay addresses, restoring a Recovery Partition, email and iMessage encryption, and much, much more. Download, press play, enjoy, and learn!

Dear Overlords of MacLand – Mac Geek Gab 708

It’s always something, and thankfully John and Dave are always here to help. This week we share some advice about geotagging your photos when shooting with a non-geo-smart DSLR camera. Then some talk about how to format Flash drives, and lots, lots more. It’s always a blast and you always learn at least 5 new things each and every time you get together with John and Dave.

Is It Time to Replace Your AirPort Router? – Mac Geek Gab 707

APFS support in third-party apps continues to grow, there’s now an app to search for 32-bit apps, secondary iCloud IDs might work well for you, and Apple’s official acknowledgement of the end of the AirPort router line brings up one of our favorite topics again: what Wi-Fi solution is best for your home? John and Dave talk through all of this, all for you. Just like Sister Hazel sang. Or something like that. Just press play and enjoy!

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