Spam, Your Privacy, Cool Stuff Found & More — Mac Geek Gab 855

What’s your spam workflow? How do you know if your favorite podcast is selling your data? Want to hear about some Cool Stuff Found? Good news, your two favorite geeks talk through all this and more! Listen as John and Dave answer your questions and do their level best to ensure everyone learns at least five new things each week. Press play and enjoy!

The Case for The Nuke and Pave — Mac Geek Gab 826

We all love the convenience of a quick upgrade and Migration Assistant, but those bring along many needles inside the haystack that can linger and leave you with fun things to troubleshoot in the future. The reality is that sometimes the Nuke and Pave is worth it, and John and Dave talk this through. That’s not the only segment, though, FAR FROM IT! Cool Stuff Found, Quick Tips, and more and more of your questions are addressed, dissected, and yes, even answered! Press play to learn at least five new things.

This is Where You Cut Me Off – Mac Geek Gab 788

Cleaning up your Photos libraries, Protecting against ransomware, remapping keyboard shortcuts, and Catalina’s USB drive crashes are just a few of the important questions your two favorite geeks hit in this week’s show. There’s more, including some Cool Stuff Found and some Quick Tips that will blow your mind. Listen as John and Dave share each of these, helping you learn at least five new things this week!

You Don’t Get to Change Your Mind about The Past in the Future – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 771

So how do these “silent updates” work, anyway? Why can’t I click links in Safari? And will your future self be happy with your past self’s backup-related decisions? These are the hard questions, folks, and your two favorite geeks tackle them just for you. Plus, listen as John and Dave share your tips, Cool Stuff Found, and more. Mac Geek Gab 771 is here just for you. Press play and enjoy learning at least five new things!

APFS, Shutdown, Messages, and Notifications – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 720

Every time your two favorite geeks get together, something interesting happens: everyone learns at least five (5!) new things. This week’s topics include two very specific features of APFS (a pro and a con), noise-canceling headphones for travel, a solution to drives not appearing on your Desktop, some Cool Stuff Found, and much, much more. Press play or download and enjoy!

The Active Evolution of APFS – Mac Geek Gab 710

You know how it goes: your computer’s working fine one day, the next it’s not. That’s what John and Dave are here for… to help! They start today’s episode with some handy tips that aren’t documented anywhere, then they move on to answering your questions and solving your problems, including the path of progress upon which APFS travels. Subscribe, press play, and enjoy!

Is It Time to Replace Your AirPort Router? – Mac Geek Gab 707

APFS support in third-party apps continues to grow, there’s now an app to search for 32-bit apps, secondary iCloud IDs might work well for you, and Apple’s official acknowledgement of the end of the AirPort router line brings up one of our favorite topics again: what Wi-Fi solution is best for your home? John and Dave talk through all of this, all for you. Just like Sister Hazel sang. Or something like that. Just press play and enjoy!

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