If emails that you send to someone seem to be going to the wrong person (at least, according to Apple Mail), we’re here to help you troubleshoot that. The problem could be in your Contacts program. The problem could be in Mail. Let’s sort it all out!
macOS: Archiving Old Contacts
Melissa Holt has a few pointers on how to trim down who is in your Contacts list without committing to losing those entries forever.
macOS: Linking Contact Cards Together
If your contacts list contains duplicated data because you’re using more than one account to sync (like, say, both a Google one and your iCloud one), Melissa Holt has a fix to link them together.
Guardians of the Geek Galaxy – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 657
Ever wondered how to share iCloud contact groups amongst family and team members? Ever have to mix iOS, Android, and macOS? Ever wonder what AppTranslocation folders are? How about the best thing to put in your walls before you close them up? John F. Braun and Dave Hamilton have your answers to all of this and more.
How to Fix Apple Watch Contact Syncing Problems
Some people are experiencing problems with Contacts on their Apple Watch, or with initiating phone calls with Siri on your Apple Watch. The problem may be that your Contacts aren’t properly syncing, and Mac Geek Gab listener Bill wrote in (MGG 626) with the skinny on resetting it.