How to Understand Apple Watch Heart Rate Data

Beth Skwarecki wrote a helpful article explaining how to understand Apple Watch heart rate data and what all the numbers mean.

Some major caveats on everything we’re about to say: first, everybody is different, so if your numbers are higher or lower than you’d expect, there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with you. There’s a wide range of normal.

Couch Potato App Tracks How Many Times You're Sitting

Couch Potato app is the world’s first sit-tracker, a one of a kind app that measures and celebrates your inactivity. The more you sit, the more your couch potato will grow. Once the app is downloaded, all you have to do is relax. The tracker will monitor how much time you don’t move. At the end of each day, you’ll get a couch potato score. The longer you sit, the better you do. All you have to do is download the app, authorize movement tracking, and lounge around all day. The more you couch, the more levels you advance. Unlock and redeem rewards along the way. App Store: Couch Potato – Free

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