macOS: How to Add a Screen Saver Icon to Your Dock

If you want to lock your Mac’s screen quickly when you’re walking away from it, there are lots of ways you could do so. In this Quick Tip, we’ll give you a few suggestions, but we’ll also show you how to add a shortcut to your screen saver to your Dock, which’ll mean a one-click way to lock your Mac when combined with certain security settings. We’ve got you covered!

macOS: Enabling Text Auto-Correction

There are a few simple text-replacement features you can turn on (or off, if you prefer) for your Mac, which’ll correct your spelling, add a period when you tap the spacebar twice, or capitalize words automatically. In today’s Quick Tip, we’ll cover where those settings live—and how you can override them in individual apps!

macOS: Turning Off Calendar and Contacts Suggestions

Today’s Quick Tip is all about those grey suggestions in Calendar and Contacts that may be coming from other apps around your Mac. If you’ve made a flight reservation and see that event show up automatically on your calendar, that may be handy! But if you’d rather someone’s business phone number not get added to her contact card, for example, you may find the feature less helpful. We’ll tell you how to stop this from happening in either program!

Why Must Qi's Light Shine So Brightly? – Mac Geek Gab 699

Is your Qi charger keeping you up at night? Don’t worry, there’s a solution that doesn’t (necessarily) involve black electrical tape! Also in this episode, your two favorite geeks help you troubleshoot your problems, including diagosing a strange Safari launch trigger, renaming your Home Sharing store, managing multiple email addresses with Gmail, securely deleting files with High Sierra, and much more. Quick Tips abound in this episode, too, folks. Listen carefully and you shall learn!

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