John Martellaro and Jeff Butts join Jeff Gamet to debate whether or not the next Apple Watch will also be a cell phone, plus they talk about the TSA’s new rule requiring separate screening for electronics larger than a cell phone.
Flash Finally Dies, Apple's Hearing Aid MFi Program - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-26
Kelly Guimont and John Martellaro join Jeff Gamet to talk about the official death of Flash, plus they share their thoughts on Apple’s Made for iPhone certification for hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Selling Your Roomba Data, WebCrypto Explained - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-25
Bryan Chaffin and Jeff Butts join Jeff Gamet to share their thoughts on iRobot saying it wants to sell data Roomba robot vacuums collect, plus they look at WebCrypto.
Net Neutrality Explained - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-24
Net Neutrality can be a tough concept to wrap your head around so Dave Hamilton and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to help explain what it is and why it matters.
When to Really Force Quit iPhone Apps - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-21
Dave Hamilton and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to explain when and why you should force quit iPhone and iPad apps, plus they look at the BroadPwn hack and how that plays into the iOS 10.3.3 update.
Our Favorite Mail, Calendar, and Reminders Alternatives - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-20
Jeff Butts and Kelly Guimont join Jeff Gamet to share their favorite iPhone, iPad, and Mac third party app alternatives for Apple’s Mail, Calendar, and Reminders apps.
Transmit 5, Apps We Miss, When to Buy an iPad - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-19
Transmit 5’s release got Kelly Guimont, John Martellaro, and Jeff Gamet talking about FTP and other apps they used long ago, plus they offer up their thoughts on advice to wait until next year before buying a new iPad.
Australia's Anti-encryption Push, Macstock 2017 Wrapup - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-18
John Martellaro and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to discuss Australia’s push for encryption back doors, plus the look back at this year’s Macstock conference.
Interview with Chuck Joiner from MacVoices - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-17
Jeff Gamet sat down with Chuck Joiner at Macstock 2017 to chat about podcasting, how he got into hosting shows and interviews, and more.
App Store Free Trials, Time for a New Apple TV - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-14
Jeff Butts and John Martellaro join Jeff Gamet to discuss how developers can offer app trial versions on Apple’s App Store, plus John explains why its past time for a new Apple TV.
Amazon's HomePod Competitor, Apple Store HomeKit Demos - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-13
Bryan Chaffin and Jeff Butts join Jeff Gamet to offer up their take on Amazon’s Echo that’s coming this fall to compete with Apple’s HomePod, plus they have some thoughts on Apple adding HomeKit demonstration stations to its stores.
Tech Simulating Real People, Bringing C++ Back to the Mac - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-12
Jeff Butts and John Martellaro join Jeff Gamet to talk about the implications of technology that can realistically simulate actual people speaking, plus John explains why you might want to code in C++ on your Mac.
EFF Tech Company Score Card, Smart Home Appliance Surveillance - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-11
Bryan Chaffin and Jeff Butts join Jeff Gamet to sort out the EFF’s tech company score card, plus they have some thoughts on home voice appliances calling the police for us.
Apple's Controlled Information Flow, Woz Haters - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-10
Dave Hamilton and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to to talk about the controlled flow of information out of Apple, plus they try to sort out why Apple fans bag on Steve Wozniak.
Tidal's Dwindling Exclusive Deals, Touch ID Isn't Dead Yet - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-07
Bryan Chaffin and John Martellaro join Jeff Gamet to share their perspective on Tidal’s dwindling exclusive artist deals, plus John shares his insight on Apple and Touch ID.
iPhone 8 Sans Touch ID, WebVR Community Group - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-06
Dave Hamilton and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to look at a report claiming Touch ID won’t be an iPhone 8 feature, plus they offer up their thoughts on Apple engineers joining the WebVR Community Group.
iPhone 8 Face Scanning, Building a Hackintosh, High Sierra Beta – ACM 418
Bryan is out on vacation so Jeff Butts joins Jeff Gamet to talk about reports saying the iPhone 8 will ditch Touch ID for facial recognition, building a hackintosh, and macOS High Sierra beta experiences.
Mac, iPhone, and Apple Watch Tips - TMO Daily Observations 2017-07-05
Kelly Guimont and John Martellaro join Jeff Gamet to share some tips that make using their iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple Watches easier.
Get Ready for macOS High Sierra Public Beta - TMO Daily Observations 2017-06-30
John Martellaro and Jeff Butts team up with Jeff Gamet to share their macOS High Sierra beta experiences and offer some tips on preparing to make the upgrade, plus they discuss the slow death of software manuals and documentation.
The iPhone's 10 Year Anniversary - TMO Daily Observations 2017-06-29
Kelly Guimont and John Martellaro join Jeff Gamet to look back on the launch of the original iPhone 10 years ago and talk about the impact it had on their lives.
Mac Malware, Cell Service Providers, Upgrading to macOS High Sierra – ACM 417
With Bryan out on vacation Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus joins Jeff Gamet to talk about why Bob doesn’t routinely run a malware checker on his Mac, plus the rant a little about cell service providers, and talk about their macOS High Sierra upgrade experiences.
Apple's Czar of Cool, Hidden Mac Features - TMO Daily Observations 2017-06-28
Jeff Butts and Dave Hamilton join Jeff Gamet to share their thoughts on Apple’s new Czar of Cool job to help Siri learn about interesting events, plus Mr. B has some cool hidden Mac features to share.
Apple's Augmented Reality Glasses - TMO Daily Observations 2017-06-27
John Martellaro and Jeff Butts join Jeff Gamet take a look at Apple’s SensoMotoric purchase, augmented reality, wearable tech, and AR glasses.
Google to End Gmail Scanning, Nike's AR Shoe Promotion - TMO Daily Observations 2017-06-26
Jeff Butts and Dave Hamilton join Jeff Gamet sort out exactly what Google’s plan to stop scanning our Gmail accounts really means, plus they take a look at Nike’s new augmented reality shoe promotion scheme.