3 Tracking Apps to See Locations of Friends and Family

Apple has a Find My Friends app that lets you see locations of your friends and family, and there are other tracking apps that provide similar features. These are apps meant for you to do this in a non-creepy, non-stalker way. This isn’t Arkangel.


Screenshots of SnapChat, one of the tracking apps that let's you find family and friends.Last year, Snap Inc. introduced a feature into Snapchat called Snap Map. If people to choose to turn geo-location on, they can share their location on a map. You can share your location with all friends, select friends, or turn Ghost Mode on so people can’t see where you are. | SnapChat – Free

Find My Family, Friends, Phone

Screenshots of Life360, one of the tracking apps.

Life360 has a family and friend locator. Create a private circle of family and friends, and get notifications when they come and go from work, home, and school. You can share photos and text messages in the app too. Plus, there is a crash detection service to let you know if there’s been an accident. | Family & Friend Locator – Free


Screenshots of Zenly, one of the tracking apps.

Zenly’s social map lets you keep up with your friends in real time. You can get stats on your friends based on who you spend time with and where that time is spent. You can send them emojis and messages, and get directions to them. Like Snapchat, Zenly also has a Ghost Mode for those times when you want to hide your location. | Zenly – Free

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