iOS 13: Add an iMessage Name and Photo

With iOS 13 Apple is slowly positioning iMessage as a social network, and adding your name and photo is a step in that direction. This means that you can share your iMessage name and photo with everyone, or just in your contacts. People won’t have to manually update your contact anymore.imessage name and photo

iMessage Name & Photo

There are two ways to do this.

Version 1

  1. Open Settings, tap Messages, then tap Share Name and Photo. You can use a real photo or a Memoji. You can also share it automatically with Contacts Only, or have the system Always Ask you.

Version 2

  1. Open Messages, tap the three dots in the upper right corner. Then, tap Edit Name and Photo. You’ll see the same options as above.

Further Reading:

[Apple Releases iOS 13.1.1 With Security and Bug Fixes]

[iOS 13: How to Use Animoji Camera Effects]

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