Let’s be honest: default wallpapers are boring. They’re usually better than having no wallpaper at all, that’s for sure. But seriously, why doesn’t Apple put the same effort into wallpaper design as it puts into their products’ hardware build? Luckily, we’re here to help. Check out our curated list of the best aesthetic wallpapers for your iPhone below.
What Exactly Is an Aesthetic Wallpaper?
OK, that’s a good question. The precise definition of “aesthetic” will vary by person, to be fair. In general, however, aesthetic wallpapers are those that induce a sense of fulfillment just for their looks.
For some, it will be a sunset with breathtaking gradients. For others, perfectly fitting color palettes. Many may consider a zoomed-in shot of calm foliage with a blurred background enough. What these wallpapers have in common is just the right amount of visual elements, along with an almost ethereal feeling.
1. Mixing Ink

Who said the only artistic way to use ink is in paintings? As this wallpaper shows, simply mixing different hues is enough to create very expressive looks. I would hang this photo on a wall if I could.
2. Breaking Waves
We don’t often get to look at the ocean from above. Not that watching the waves break from sea level isn’t great, too, but this wallpaper brings a less common perspective. This much sea foam likely wouldn’t appear without some sort of digital manipulation, but who cares? It’s pretty, it brings joy, and that’s what matters here.
3. Sea Turmoil
For someone who bashed paintings a couple of paragraphs before, I’m perhaps being a bit hypocritical listing a painting here. But you can’t deny it’s an extremely beautiful painting. I would likely think otherwise if I had to face such troubled waters, though.
4. Mountain Range
OK, you can’t dispute this wallpaper’s looks. A nice sunset, great colors, a mountain range disappearing into the horizon… This screams “aesthetic.” Unless you have a fear of heights, of course.
5. Flower Garden
So, if you’d rather have more ground-level images, here’s a rustic garden with homey flowers. You can almost imagine a kind old lady offering you a cup of tea just outside the photo’s frame. For those who like “cottagecore” looks, there’s no way things get more comfy than that.
When I’m not looking at my computer screen, I’ll likely be staring at my phone. There’s always a new notification to clear or something I missed the last time I opened it. Doing this dozens of times a day gets stressful, but a pleasant wallpaper greeting me helps ease the stress.