< A href="http://www.macjams.com/">MacJams has announced the release of Fitch Cello, a software instrument for Appleis GarageBand. Fitch Cello was developed using 40MB of sampled cello recordings from cellist Claire Fitch. The GarageBand plugin was developed by Ben Boldt, a member of the MacJams community.
GarageBand is Appleis entry-level digital recording software, and is part of iLife i04 (US$44.99 - Amazon). According to MacJams, Fitch Cello automatically installs and is offered in GarageBandis native format.
Fitch Cello is a free download from MacJams, where you can also find many more GarageBand resources. Downloading the plug-in requires you to register with MacJams.
If you are interested in GarageBand, you may also be interested in GarageBand for Dummies ($14.95 - Amazon), by TMOis own Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus.