Apple is letting the fashion world enjoy the editorial debut for Apple Watch. The Business of Fashion (BoF) reported that Vogue China got early access to the device, and will feature it on the cover of the November issue on the arm of supermodel Liu Wen.
Here's the cover:
The cover story features several photographs of Liu Wen in typical fashion-world fashion—touching her mouth with the Apple Watch on her wrist, casually putting her thumb in her pocket with the Apple Watch on her wrist, hanging out on the beach with the Apple Watch on her beach, and generally looking incredible with the Apple Watch on her wrist. See the BoF story for some of those images.
BoF interviewed Angelica Cheung, Vogue China’s editor-in-chief, who said:
When Jonathan Ive and Tim Cook talked me through how they developed the concept of the Apple Watch from the beginning, I was impressed by their thoughts and passion for the project. Then I saw the watches and thought they looked rather good; some are sporty and others are very classic and elegant. At the same time, they all have so many functions that would be useful in our daily life. I just thought that they combined technology, style and functionality and were very modern and, therefore, perfect accessories for the modern-day woman which is what the Vogue China woman is about.
The choice of Vogue China is no accident or the result random chance—instead it's an indication that Apple considers itself a serious competitor in the world of fashion, and that the Chinese market is the most important market for this device. To that end, Ms. Cheung told BoF:
Chinese people are actually very digitally minded and we embrace new technology and digital products more easily than perhaps people elsewhere. We are an ancient country but at the same time a very young country when it comes to fashion and new products. We love to embrace everything that is new, modern and positive. All these convince us that the intersection of fashion and technology is a natural progression, not something alien.
BoF also noted what it called "Apple’s understanding of the growing purchasing power of female luxury consumers in China."
[Via 9to5Mac]