AppleInvestorNews: New AAPL News Portal Launches

Medialink Web Ventures has launched a new Web portal called, a news collating site focused exclusively on news about Appleis stock. The site launched in May, and features several categories of news relating to the finances of Apple.

"We choose Apple for our first niche news portal because of the huge volume of financial-related news on the company," Frank Cioffi, editor and publisher of the site, said in a statement. "We knew if we could effectively search and categorize this newsflow, the results could provide value to the Apple investment community or anyone interested in Apple, Inc."

According to the company, the categories include:

  • Apple Analysts
  • Apple Rumors + Insider
  • News, Apple iPod + iPhone
  • Apple Mac Computers
  • Steve Jobs
  • Apple Stores
  • Apple vs. Microsoft
  • Apple Business Podcasts
  • Apple Business Videos
  • and 11 other news categories.

The site maintains a 90-day archive.

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