Microsoft VP: Company Focusing on Online Services, Advertising

Mr. Johnsonis other goals include “consolidate ad platform and win in display,” and “deliver end-to-end user experiences across PC, phone, and Web.”

He acknowledged Microsoftis renewed negotiations with Yahoo and added “Regardless of the outcome of any new discussions, it is important that we continue to move forward to strengthen our online services business. The fact is that we are not where we want to be in this business yet and weive been in this position longer than weid all like.”

So far, Microsoft has been trailing far behind Google in the online search advertising market. The Redmond companyis failed Yahoo buyout attempt was a move to bolster its own position against Google, and by returning to the negotiating table it hopes to gain some of the tools it needs to go up against the Internet search giant.

The new deal Microsoft is pushing for would have Yahoo selling off parts of the company, although Microsoft has not said which parts it is hoping to score.

Since Mr. Johnsonis strategy includes consolidating ad platforms and “reinventing” social media experiences, Microsoftis likely targets include Yahoois search services and even Facebook — which could essentially strip the foundation out from under Yahoo.

Yahoo is now in an awkward position since it is facing the possibility of being neutered by Microsoft, or a hostile takeover attempt by billionaire investor Carl Icahn. Mr. Icahn has mounted a proxy battle to take over Yahoois board in hopes of enticing Microsoft into renewing its full buyout offer.

Mr. Johnson added that Microsoft will be making some announcements about its Internet strategies over the next few days, which may shed more light on its plans for Yahoo. For now it looks like Microsoft is happy to try forcing Yahoois hand by leveraging Mr. Icahnis hostile takeover move.

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