REAL Software Now Accepting Entries For Made With REALbasic Showcase

REAL Software, Inc. announced today that the company is accepting software entries for the Made with REALbasic Showcase. Software entries accepted in the Made with REALbasic Showcase will demonstrate the variety and quality of software that can be produced with REALbasic. Aspiring software developers can visit the Showcase and see how REALbasic can be used to turn ideas into software and software companies.

Entries can be submitted at . There is no cost associated with submitting entries to the Showcase. Although entries can be submitted at any time, the deadline for entry for the initial Made with REALbasic program launch is April 26, 2004.

All products submitted to the Made with REALbasic Showcase must be made with REALbasic and must meet REAL Software standards of quality. If the software meets Showcase acceptance standards, it will be included. If the software is not accepted, changes will be suggested to enable the software to meet Showcase acceptance standards.

As an added benefit to software developers, REAL Software marketing staff will turn to the Made with REALbasic Showcase for software to be featured in print, online and event marketing campaigns. In addition, software approved in the Made with REALbasic Showcase can be announced to the REAL News mailing list, an opt-in media list managed by REAL Software.

You can submit your REALbasic software at REAL Softwareis Web site. While software can be submitted at any time, the deadline for entry into the initial campaign is April 26, 2004. Showcase entry is free of charge.

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