Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Ships for Mac


spyr Media has announced that Tom Clancyis Splinter Cell is shipping for Mac OS X. Tom Clancyis Splinter Cell is part of the Tom Clancy Rainbow Six first person shooter (FPS) franchise, but this game is a 3rd person "steal action game." The title was originally released for Windows in 2002, and this release marks the first version for the Mac platform. From Aspyr:

Tom Clancyis Splinter Cell introduces a new type of game to the line-up, a 3rd person stealth action game with cyber-terrorism, shadow agencies and covert operations on the menu. The title has sold more than 8.9 million copies worldwide since its launch in 2002.

When two CIA agents mysteriously vanish in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, the NSAis secret sub agency, Third Echelon, deploys Sam Fisher-its most capable splinter cell operative-to recover them. Fisher soon uncovers a deeper conspiracy: a plot that threatens to destabilize the world order and spark nuclear conflict.

Fisher, like all Third Echelon Splinter Cells, is granted the use of the Fifth Freedom-unprecedented latitude to safeguard Americais security by any means necessary. Acting alone, he uses terroristsi own tactics against them. Should he fall to enemy hands, the U.S. government will disavow any knowledge of his existence.

No more time for negotiations and diplomacy. The time for decisive action has come. Strike from the darkness… Fade away. You are Sam Fisher, you are a Splinter Cell.

Splinter Cell features never seen before stealth moves such as a diving summersault, ledge hang, pipe climb and highly interactive environments. Undertake 14 missions through four countries, with more than 100 different characters. Infiltrate high-security strongholds (including CIA headquarters), neutralize anyone who opposes mission goals (from hackers to special forces soldiers), seize critical intelligence, destroy threatening data and equipment, and disappear without a trace.

ASpyr noted that i5works did the porting for the game. Splinter Cell is priced at US$49.99, is available from Aspyris Web site, and will soon be in retail stores. You can find more information on the game at Aspyris Web site.

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