Bandojo, an iOS app from a team that includes Andrew Stone of Twittelator (and Videator, and Stone Design) fame, allows both musicians and non-musicians to explore and play music, regardless of experience. The software has over a dozen built-in soundscapes on top of which you can play one of a number of different solo instruments. You choose notes by simply tapping colored dots on a board that looks a little like a Twister mat. If you know solfege ("do, re, mi" etc) you can see what those intervals are, but the beauty is you don't have to know anything other than what you like to hear. As you find colors that sound good to your ear, you can use them in different places and at different spots (octaves, for those who care) along the board. You can even play notes simultaneously to make chords. Pretty much whatever you think, you can do. A few minutes with this is all it takes to completely grok it and you'll lose yourself and just be able to play. You can link up wirelessly with other Bandojo users and jam together or simply play on your own. A forthcoming Mac app will add even more collaboration options. Jam on!
Check It Out: Bandojo Lets You Play Music Even If You've Never Played a Note Before