I love this Earth Day video from Apple, but I'm also kind of horrified by it. It's called "Ask Siri about Liam." Siri is, of course, Apple's virtual assistant, and Liam is Apple's recycling robot that helped the company recover 2,204 pounds of gold in 2015. I have to give you a spoiler to explain why it kind of horrifies me, so please feel free to watch it before reading any further. Siri asks Liam what he's doing for Earth Day. Now, she's doing this from an iPhone in the grips of Liam himself. He shrugs his shoulder—Earth Day is just another day of saving the planet one iPhone at a time for Liam, after all—and looks over at the piece of machinery designed to make it easier for Liam to rip Siri's face off in his disassembly process. Her response, "Oh dear. Wouldn't you rather get a smoothie?" Nope. Liam rips her face off. It's what he does. It's definitely funny, but it's kind of horrifying, too!! What do you think? As for asking Siri about Liam, I found that "Tell me about Liam" resulted in Siri telling several jokes about the robot and/or recycling.
Check It Out: Earth Day Video from Apple: 'Ask Siri about Liam' (Fun and Horrifying)