Bloomberg has published a great piece looking back at the late Steve Jobs dissing Big Blue. The article comes in the wake of a landmark agreement between Apple and IBM to team up for the Enterprise market on iPhones and iPads, and it makes for an interesting look back at a different era in computing. The five incidents include Apple's 1981 ad, "Welcome, IBM. Seriously;" the quickly-becoming-famous-photo of Steve Jobs giving IBM the finger; the iconic 1984 commercial, a 1985 Playboy interview when he said that IBM kills innovation; and the move to Intel, where Mr. Jobs dissed PowerPC processors. There are lots of details in the Bloomberg piece, and it's a fun read. That said, and as we discussed on Wednesday's TDO podcast, I have little doubt that Mr. Jobs would have supported the deal his successor worked out with IBM. It's impossible to know for sure, of course, but Mr. Jobs was infamous for turning on a dime and working with past enemies.
Check It Out: Five Times When Steve Jobs Dissed IBM