In this week's Apple Weekly Report podcast, Jeff and Bryan discuss Apple Software 3.0, the Pwn2Own contest, Psystar's new Mac clone, the iPod repair man who allegedly stole some 9,000 iPods, and Steve Ballmer saying that the tides have turned against Apple and the Mac.
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- iPhone #1 Revenue Online Generator for AT&T, #9 in Unit Sales
- Apple to Launch iPhone Software 3.0 in Summer 2009, Beta SDK Available Now
- Apple Adds Landscape Mail, Text & Notes
- Apple (Finally) Adds MMS Texting to iPhone
- Apple Announces Copy/Paste for iPhone 3.0
- Apple to Allow iPhone Apps to Talk to Third Party Hardware
- Apple Announces Peer-to-Peer Connectivity for iPhone App
- Apple Announces In-App Subscription Model for iPhone App
- Apple Claims 800 Million Downloads at iPhone App Store
- MacBook Hacked in Seconds in Pwn2Own Contest
- Psystar Thumbs Apple, Rolls Out New Mac Clone
- Man Charged with Fraud for Stealing 9,000 iPods
- Steve Ballmer: ?Tides Have Turned? Against Apple & the Mac
- AT&T to Offer No-Commitment iPhones Starting March 26 [UPDATED 4:05 EDT 3/19/09]
- Concord C1 QuantumGravity Watch
- TMO on Twitter!