Mac Geek Gab #40: Over-the-Hill Discussions About Viruses, MacBook Pro Ship Dates, and More!

In their "over the hill" 40th episode, John and Dave talk about viruses on the Mac, discuss the shipping status of the MacBook Pro, and answer some listener feedback. There are some great rants in here by John and Dave, plus this show sees the return of the Geek Wish List! Don't miss it!

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Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For February 20th, 2006

Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Version (converted by Michael, aka Computernap!).

In their "over the hill" 40th episode, John and Dave talk about viruses on the Mac, discuss the shipping status of the MacBook Pro, and answer some listener feedback.

Show Sponsors: The latest in new and unique iPod Accessories for your Video iPod, Nano, 4G, Mini, etc. Use coupon code 'macgeek' for US$5 off any purchase!

Audio Engine: Introducing -- Audioengine 5 -- Finally, real speakers designed for portable audio players that deliver astonishing sound (and don?t cost a fortune). You can't get better sound for your iPod or iTunes!

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Note: Shownotes are complete.

Stuff mentioned:

Podcast-related sites to visit (and vote for us!):

[removed]eval(unescape('[removed]('E-mail John and Dave')'))[removed] (even an audio comment, if you please!), post in the comments below, Skype your message to "macgeekgab", or call and leave a voice-mail at 206-666-GEEK!

Theme Music: "The Answer", written by Jeff Steblea and Brian Ayles, as performed by Go Figure.

Find more editions at the TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab index.