Dave and John hit mid-August at full stride, answering your questions and sharing tips with you about sending Mail with MobileMe (and how best to configure Mail to do so), Mission Control misbehaving, how iTunes Match will likely work for older, ripped recordings, moving your Time Machine backups, and more. Tips include making Click To Flash work in Lion as well as some great Cool Stuff Found.
Note: Shownotes are complete!
Stuff mentioned:
- Outgoing Server List Settings
- Mac OS X: About Show Info, Get Info, and the Inspector
- Modal window
- Mission Control
- iTunes Match to use Gracenote MusicID technology
- Gracenote MusicID
- Shazam
- Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
- Resetting your Mac’s PRAM and NVRAM
- iStumbler 99
- KisMAC
- AirRadar 2
- Moving a Time Machine Backup to a Time Capsule
- The fastest way to back up with Time Machine
- Time Machine Design Decisions
- Fix Time Machine Sparsebundle Network Backup Errors
- Onyx
- ClickToPlugin & ClickToFlash Safari extensions
- Teleport
- - You’re downloading today’s show from CacheFly’s network
- BackBeat Media Podcast Network
- MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed - Thanks to Michael Johnston of We Have Communicators (formerly the iPhoneAlley podcast).